Non-Fiction Video
Graphic Journalism
Culture TV Show
Documentaries & Series
Our multiple award-winning team translates your cause or best practice into a compelling narrative and valuable media product -either in a series or one master piece- suitable for TV airing or online streaming.
What we deliver
Research and image gathering
Film-like videography
Script, tone and manner
Editing guidelines to track progress
Media and PR*
We integrate successfully with your PR, HR or Marketing departments by understanding your brand's values, matching them with a multi-audience or multi-channel strategy in a tight resource environment.
What we deliver
High quality video production
Bilingual voice over artists
Actors, presenters in Mexico and US
Storytelling and bonus tracks
Social media derived contents
Pitch presentations
Cover the last mile of your project's image and content needs. Full-frame DSLR, sound and professional lightning
What we deliver
Journalistic interviews
Voice over recording
Script supervising
Video messages
Image gathering